Sl NO | G/L Account | 15Digit HoA | Committement Item | Decription |
1 | 1000050000 | 120100800423100 | RC1800423100 | Asset Gain |
2 | 1100000000 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | Interest Recieved |
3 | 1101010100 | 120100101010100 | RC1101010100 | Postage Realized in Cash for Ordinary Services |
4 | 1101010101 | 120100101010100 | RC1101010100 | Recall of Inland Articles |
5 | 1101010200 | 120100101010200 | RC1101010200 | Prepaid in Cash Credited in the Sheduled of UCR |
6 | 1101010300 | 120100101010300 | RC1101010300 | Diff between letter and forwd Postage as per C.A/c |
7 | 1101010400 | 120100101010400 | RC1101010400 | charges recd. for resetting the Franking Machine |
8 | 1101010500 | 120100101010500 | RC1101010500 | Diff between OB and CB of postage in cash A/c. |
9 | 1101010600 | 120100101010600 | RC1101010600 | Cr. in the sch of UCR on short realisn. of postage |
10 | 1101010700 | 120100101010700 | RC1101010700 | Custom Duty Postage fee,redirection fee,Insurance |
11 | 1101010701 | 120100101010700 | RC1101010700 | Presentation to Custom Charges Outward Internation |
12 | 1101010800 | 120100101010800 | RC1101010800 | Deduct Refund from the postage |
13 | 1101010900 | 120100101010900 | RC1101010900 | Deduct value of frank impressd on Speed Post |
14 | 1101011000 | 120100101011000 | RC1101011000 | Deduct value of frank impressed on Business Post |
15 | 1101011100 | 120100101011100 | RC1101011100 | Deduct value of frank impressed on E.Parcel Post |
16 | 1101011200 | 120100101011200 | RC1101011200 | Deduct refund of Postage of Malicious sent Unpaid |
17 | 1101011300 | 120100101011300 | RC1101011300 | Ded-refund of postage on nondelivy by fault of PO |
18 | 1101011400 | 120100101011400 | RC1101011400 | Deduct excess realissation on postage by mistake |
19 | 1101011500 | 120100101011500 | RC1101011500 | DED-VALUE OF FRANK ON INTERNATIONAL EMS |
20 | 1101011600 | 120100101011600 | RC1101011600 | DED-VALUE OF FRANK ON INTERNATIONAL PARCEL |
21 | 1101011700 | 120100101011700 | RC1101011700 | DED-VALUE OF FRANK ON INTERNATIONAL LETTERS (REGD) |
22 | 1101011800 | 120100101011800 | RC1101011800 | DED-VALUE OF FRANK ON INT APP EPACKET SERVICE |
23 | 1101020100 | 120100101020100 | RC1101020100 | PRC-Speed Post Document |
24 | 1101020200 | 120100101020200 | RC1101020200 | PRC-Speed Post-DED refund premium services |
25 | 1101020300 | 120100101020300 | RC1101020300 | Deduct rebate for presorted bulk mail |
26 | 1101020400 | 120100101020400 | RC1101020400 | Deduct: rebate/expense allowed on BNPL articles |
27 | 1101020500 | 120100101020500 | RC1101020500 | Add: postage stamps affixed on Speed Post |
28 | 1101020600 | 120100101020600 | RC1101020600 | Add: frank impressed on speed post articles |
29 | 1101020700 | 120100101020700 | RC1101020700 | Add: service stamps affixed on speed post articles |
30 | 1101020800 | 120100101020800 | RC1101020800 | Amt. realsised from speed post credit system(BNPL) |
31 | 1101020900 | 120100101020900 | RC1101020900 | SPEED POST- CASH ON DELIVERY FEE |
32 | 1101021000 | 120100101021000 | RC1101021000 | PRC-Business reply Speed Post articles |
33 | 1101030100 | 120100101030100 | RC1101030100 | PRC-Business Post |
34 | 1101030200 | 120100101030200 | RC1101030200 | Add: Postage Stamps affixed on Business Post |
35 | 1101030300 | 120100101030300 | RC1101030300 | Add: Frank impressed on Business Post articles. |
36 | 1101030400 | 120100101030400 | RC1101030400 | Add: Service Stamps impressed on Business Post. |
37 | 1101040000 | 120100101040000 | RC1101040000 | PRC-Greeting Post |
38 | 1101050100 | 120100101050100 | RC1101050100 | PRC-Express Parcel Post |
39 | 1101050200 | 120100101050200 | RC1101050200 | Add: postage stamp affixed on Express Parcel Post. |
40 | 1101050300 | 120100101050300 | RC1101050300 | Add:Value of frank imprsed on Express Parcel Post. |
41 | 1101050400 | 120100101050400 | RC1101050400 | Add:Value of service stamp affixed on Ex.Parcel . |
42 | 1101050500 | 120100101050500 | RC1101050500 | Express parcel - cash on delivery fee |
43 | 1101060000 | 120100101060000 | RC1101060000 | PRC-Direct Post |
44 | 1101070100 | 120100101070100 | RC1101070100 | PRC- Mass Mailing Services. |
45 | 1101070200 | 120100101070200 | RC1101070200 | Deduct: Refunds of Mass Mailing Services |
46 | 1101090000 | 120100101090000 | RC1101090000 | PRC-Bill Mail Service |
47 | 1101100100 | 120100101100100 | RC1101100100 | Sale of Postage Stamps |
48 | 1101100200 | 120100101100200 | RC1101100200 | Adj in PAO on a/c of sale of stamp at treasuries. |
49 | 1101100300 | 120100101100300 | RC1101100300 | MO Commn recd in form of stamps on Fgn articles |
50 | 1101100400 | 120100101100400 | RC1101100400 | Adj-stamp imprests supplied dept telegraph office |
51 | 1101100600 | 120100101100600 | RC1101100600 | Ded : stamps used for realising custom duty. |
52 | 1101100700 | 120100101100700 | RC1101100700 | Adj- of custom duty on Prepaid o/w parcels UK |
53 | 1101100800 | 120100101100800 | RC1101100800 | Deduct : value of stamps affixed on IPOs. |
54 | 1101100900 | 120100101100900 | RC1101100900 | Deduct : Refund of postage stamps. |
55 | 1101101000 | 120100101101000 | RC1101101000 | Ded: value of unserviceable/obsolete stationery |
56 | 1101101100 | 120100101101100 | RC1101101100 | Ded: charges on account of refund of enquiry fee |
57 | 1101101200 | 120100101101200 | RC1101101200 | Ded:value of postage stamps affixed on speed post |
58 | 1101101300 | 120100101101300 | RC1101101300 | Ded: postage stamps affixed on business post |
59 | 1101101400 | 120100101101400 | RC1101101400 | Ded: postage stamps affixed on ex.parcel post |
60 | 1101101500 | 120100101101500 | RC1101101500 | DED-VALUE OF POSTAGE STAMPS AFFIXED ON EMS |
61 | 1101101600 | 120100101101600 | RC1101101600 | DED-VALUE OF POSTAGE STAMP ON INT PARCEL |
62 | 1101101700 | 120100101101700 | RC1101101700 | DED-VALUE OF POSTAGE STAMPS ON INT LETTERS (REGD) |
63 | 1101101800 | 120100101101800 | RC1101101800 | DED-VALUE OF POSTAGE STAMPS ON INT APP EPACKET SER |
64 | 1101110100 | 120100101110100 | RC1101110100 | Sale of Service Stamps |
65 | 1101110200 | 120100101110200 | RC1101110200 | Cr. 45323 % extra on sale of service stamps from CAG |
66 | 1101110300 | 120100101110300 | RC1101110300 | Ded: of service stamps affixed on speed post . |
67 | 1101110400 | 120100101110400 | RC1101110400 | Ded-service stamps affixed on business post. |
68 | 1101110500 | 120100101110500 | RC1101110500 | Ded-service stamps affixed on express parcel post. |
69 | 1101120100 | 120100101120100 | RC1101120100 | PRC E-post services. |
70 | 1101120200 | 120100101120200 | RC1101120200 | Sale of e-post Prepaid cards. |
71 | 1101130100 | 120100101130100 | RC1101130100 | PRC for Free post services( Mail Business) |
72 | 1101130200 | 120100101130200 | RC1101130200 | Registration fee for free post services |
73 | 1101130300 | 120100101130300 | RC1101130300 | Renewal fee for free post service |
74 | 1101140000 | 120100101140000 | RC1101140000 | PRC for mail business service for e-iod |
75 | 1101150000 | 120100101150000 | RC1101150000 | PRC- National bill mail service |
76 | 1101160100 | 120100101160100 | RC1101160100 | SALE OF PHILATELIC STAMPS THROUGH M/S E-BAY.IN |
77 | 1101160200 | 120100101160200 | RC1101160200 | DED-COMM TO M/S E-BAY.IN FOR SALE OF PHILAY STAMPS |
78 | 1101160300 | 120100101160300 | RC1101160300 | SALE OF PHILATELIC STAMPS THROUGH BUR/POS/EXI |
79 | 1101160400 | 120100101160400 | RC1101160400 | SALE OF PHILATELIC STAMPS THROUGH OUTSOURCED AGENT |
80 | 1101160500 | 120100101160500 | RC1101160500 | DED-COMM TO OUTSOURCED AGENTS FOR SALE PHIL STAMPS |
81 | 1101160600 | 120100101160600 | RC1101160600 | #NAME? |
82 | 1101160700 | 120100101160700 | RC1101160700 | #NAME? |
83 | 1101160800 | 120100101160800 | RC1101160800 | SALE OF PHILATELIC STAMPS THROUGH E-POST OFFICE |
84 | 1101170000 | 120100101170000 | RC1101170000 | PRC FOR PREMIUM SERVICES ON FLAT RATE PARCEL |
85 | 1101180000 | 120100101180000 | RC1101180000 | PRC FOR PRINT TO POST SERVICE |
86 | 1101190000 | 120100101190000 | RC1101190000 | OVERNIGHT PARCEL POST |
87 | 1101200100 | 120100101200100 | RC1101200100 | SALE OF MY STAMPS THROUGH PHILATELIC BUREAUX/COUNT |
88 | 1101200200 | 120100101200200 | RC1101200200 | DEDUCT-COMMISSION PAID TO POSTAL ASSISTANT FOR SAL |
89 | 1101200300 | 120100101200300 | RC1101200300 | SALE OF MY STAMPS THROUGH OUTSOURCED AGENTS |
90 | 1101200400 | 120100101200400 | RC1101200400 | DEDUCT- COMMISSION PAID TO OUTSOURCED AGENTS FOR S |
91 | 1101200500 | 120100101200500 | RC1101200500 | SALE OF MY STAMPS THROUGH OTHER INSTITUTIONS/TIE-U |
92 | 1101200600 | 120100101200600 | RC1101200600 | DEDUCT-COMMISSION PAID TO OTHER INSTITUTIONS/TIE-U |
93 | 1101210000 | 120100101210000 | RC1101210000 | POSTAGE REALISED IN CASH FOR E-VPP FEE |
94 | 1101220100 | 120100101220100 | RC1101220100 | Business parcel |
95 | 1101220200 | 120100101220200 | RC1101220200 | Business parcel cash on delivery fee |
96 | 1101220300 | 120100101220300 | RC1101220300 | Insurance charges for Business Parcel |
97 | 1101220400 | 120100101220400 | RC1101220400 | Ded Compensation for loss of content-Business Parc |
98 | 1101230100 | 120100101230100 | RC1101230100 | PRC-Remotely Managed Franking Machine RMFM |
99 | 1101230200 | 120100101230200 | RC1101230200 | Deduct: Refund of Postage realized through RMFM |
100 | 1101230300 | 120100101230300 | RC1101230300 | Deduct: Rebate for RMFM |
101 | 1101240100 | 120100101240100 | RC1101240100 | SPEED POST-E.COMMERCE REVENUE |
102 | 1101240200 | 120100101240200 | RC1101240200 | PRC SPEED POST- E.COMMERCE- COD |
103 | 1101240300 | 120100101240300 | RC1101240300 | PRC SPEED POST-E.COMMERCE-NON COD |
104 | 1101240600 | 120100101240600 | RC1101240600 | COD FEE E-COMMERCE SPEED POST |
105 | 1101240700 | 120100101240700 | RC1101240700 | EXPRESS PARCEL E COMMERCE REVENUE |
106 | 1101240800 | 120100101240800 | RC1101240800 | EXPRESS PARCEL E COMMERCE COD REVENUE |
107 | 1101240900 | 120100101240900 | RC1101240900 | EXPRESS PARCEL E COMMERCE NON COD REVENUE |
108 | 1101241200 | 120100101241200 | RC1101241200 | COD FEE EXPRESS PARCEL E COMMERCE COD |
109 | 1101241300 | 120100101241300 | RC1101241300 | BUSINESS PARCEL E COMMERCE REVENUE |
110 | 1101241400 | 120100101241400 | RC1101241400 | BUSINESS PARCEL E COMMERCE COD REVENUE |
111 | 1101241500 | 120100101241500 | RC1101241500 | BUSINESS PARCEL E COMMERCE NON COD REVENUE |
112 | 1101241800 | 120100101241800 | RC1101241800 | COD FEE BUSINESS PARCEL E COMMERCE COD |
113 | 1101250100 | 120100101250100 | RC1101250100 | PRC FOR INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS AMIL SERVICE (EMS) |
114 | 1101250101 | 120100101250100 | RC1101250100 | Insurance charges on express mail service |
115 | 1101250102 | 120100101250100 | RC1101250100 | Ded-Compensation for International Express Mail(EM |
116 | 1101250200 | 120100101250200 | RC1101250200 | ADD-VALUE OF POSTAGE STAMPS ON INTERNATIONAL EMS |
117 | 1101250300 | 120100101250300 | RC1101250300 | ADD- VALUE OF FRANK IMPRESSED ON INTERNATIONAL EMS |
118 | 1101250400 | 120100101250400 | RC1101250400 | DEDUCT- REFUND OF POSTAGE STAMPS |
119 | 1101260100 | 120100101260100 | RC1101260100 | PRC FOR INTERNATIONAL PARCEL |
120 | 1101260101 | 120100101260100 | RC1101260100 | Insurance charges on Air parcel |
121 | 1101260102 | 120100101260100 | RC1101260100 | Warehouse charges on Air parcel |
122 | 1101260103 | 120100101260100 | RC1101260100 | Return to Sender Charges for International mail |
123 | 1101260104 | 120100101260100 | RC1101260100 | Deduct-Compensation for International Parcel |
124 | 1101260200 | 120100101260200 | RC1101260200 | ADD VALUE OF STAMPS ON INTERNATIONAL PARCEL |
125 | 1101260300 | 120100101260300 | RC1101260300 | ADD- VALUE OF FRANK ON INTERNATIONAL PARCEL |
126 | 1101260400 | 120100101260400 | RC1101260400 | DEDUCT-REFUND OF POSTAGE STAMPS |
127 | 1101270100 | 120100101270100 | RC1101270100 | PRC FOR INTERNATIONAL LETTERS (REGISTERED) |
128 | 1101270101 | 120100101270100 | RC1101270100 | PRC FOR PRIME REGISTERED |
129 | 1101270102 | 120100101270100 | RC1101270100 | PRC FOR PRIME EXPRESS |
130 | 1101270103 | 120100101270100 | RC1101270100 | PRC FOR PRIME TRACKED POCKETS |
131 | 1101270104 | 120100101270100 | RC1101270100 | Insurance charges on International letter |
132 | 1101270105 | 120100101270100 | RC1101270100 | Warehouse charges on International letters |
133 | 1101270106 | 120100101270100 | RC1101270100 | Recall of Foreign Articles |
134 | 1101270107 | 120100101270100 | RC1101270100 | Ded-Compensation for International Letter Registed |
135 | 1101270200 | 120100101270200 | RC1101270200 | ADD-VALUE OF POSTAGE STAMPS INT LETTERS (REGD) |
136 | 1101270300 | 120100101270300 | RC1101270300 | ADD VALUE OF FRANK ON INTERNATIONAL LETTERS (REGD) |
137 | 1101270400 | 120100101270400 | RC1101270400 | DEDUCT- REFUND OF POSTAGE STAMPS |
138 | 1101280100 | 120100101280100 | RC1101280100 | PRC FOR INTERNATIONAL TRACKED PACKET SERVICE |
139 | 1101280101 | 120100101280100 | RC1101280100 | Ded-Compensation for International Tracked Packet |
140 | 1101280200 | 120100101280200 | RC1101280200 | ADD VALUE OF POSTAGE STAMP ON INT APP EPACKET SER |
141 | 1101280300 | 120100101280300 | RC1101280300 | ADD VALUE OF FRANK ON INT APP EPACKET SERVICE |
142 | 1101280400 | 120100101280400 | RC1101280400 | DEDUCT REFUND OF POSTAGE STAMPS |
143 | 1101290100 | 120100101290100 | RC1101290100 | PRC-Speed Post Parcel |
144 | 1101290200 | 120100101290200 | RC1101290200 | Cash on delivery fee Speed Post Parcel |
145 | 1101290300 | 120100101290300 | RC1101290300 | Insurance charges for Speed Post Parcel |
146 | 1101290400 | 120100101290400 | RC1101290400 | Proof of delivery fee Speed Post Parcel |
147 | 1101290500 | 120100101290500 | RC1101290500 | Ded Compensation for loss of content Speed Post Pa |
148 | 1101300100 | 120100101300100 | RC1101300100 | Portal Charges |
149 | 1101300101 | 120100101300100 | RC1101300100 | Revenue of Registered Parcel |
150 | 1101300300 | 120100101300300 | RC1101300300 | Insurance Charges for Registered Parcel |
151 | 1101300400 | 120100101300400 | RC1101300400 | Ded Compensation for loss of content-Registered Pa |
152 | 1101310100 | 120100101310100 | RC1101310100 | Registered letter/Article |
153 | 1101310200 | 120100101310200 | RC1101310200 | Acknowledgement fee Registered Letter/Article |
154 | 1101310300 | 120100101310300 | RC1101310300 | Insurance Charges for Registered Letter/Article |
155 | 1101310400 | 120100101310400 | RC1101310400 | Ded Compensation for loss of content-Registeres Le |
156 | 1101320000 | 120100101320000 | RC1101320000 | India Post Global Express-DoP Revenue |
157 | 1101330000 | 120100101330000 | RC1101330000 | Magazine Post Revenue |
158 | 1101330001 | 120100101330000 | RC1101330000 | Penalty on Non-Payment of Magazine Post BNPL |
159 | 1102010100 | 120100102010100 | RC1102010100 | MO Commission |
160 | 1102010200 | 120100102010200 | RC1102010200 | Cr. in MO settlement account in the nagpur PAO |
161 | 1102020100 | 120100102020100 | RC1102020100 | British POs commission |
162 | 1102020200 | 120100102020200 | RC1102020200 | Addl poundage(Indian PO share) by sale of BPOs. |
163 | 1102030000 | 120100102030000 | RC1102030000 | Commission on Indian Postal Orders |
164 | 1102040000 | 120100102040000 | RC1102040000 | Commission on Irish Postal Orders |
165 | 1102050000 | 120100102050000 | RC1102050000 | Commission on field Postal Orders |
166 | 1102060000 | 120100102060000 | RC1102060000 | Commission on Instant money order |
167 | 1102070000 | 120100102070000 | RC1102070000 | Commn on International Fgn. Service money orders |
168 | 1102080000 | 120100102080000 | RC1102080000 | DELIVERY CHARGES OF INSTANT MONEY ORDERS |
169 | 1102090000 | 120100102090000 | RC1102090000 | COMMN ON IFS MONEY ORDERS REMUNERATION DELV CHGS |
170 | 1102100000 | 120100102100000 | RC1102100000 | COMMISSION ON EMO |
171 | 1102110000 | 120100102110000 | RC1102110000 | MESSAGE CHARGES THRU INSTANT MONEY ORDERS SCHEME |
172 | 1102120000 | 120100102120000 | RC1102120000 | COMM OF DOP UNDER MOBILE MONEY REMITTANCE SERVICE |
173 | 1104010000 | 120100104010000 | RC1104010000 | Amount realised by sale of passport fee stamps |
174 | 1104020000 | 120100104020000 | RC1104020000 | Ded-amt transferred to 0070-other admin. service |
175 | 1105010000 | 120100105010000 | RC1105010000 | Amt realised by sale of CRF stamps |
176 | 1105020000 | 120100105020000 | RC1105020000 | Ded-Amt.transferred to 0051-Pub/ SSC exams fee |
177 | 1106010000 | 120100106010000 | RC1106010000 | Amt realised by sale of P1 Passport Appln forms |
178 | 1106020000 | 120100106020000 | RC1106020000 | Amt realised by sale of P2 Passport Appln forms |
179 | 1106030000 | 120100106030000 | RC1106030000 | Amt realisd by sale of sp post passport Appln form |
180 | 1108000000 | 120100108000000 | RC1108000000 | SERV CHGS ON SALE & CANCELLN OF RLY TICKET THRU PO |
181 | 1200010000 | 120100200010000 | RC1200010000 | Management of SB Govt Securities |
182 | 1200020000 | 120100200020000 | RC1200020000 | Management of cash certificates |
183 | 1200030000 | 120100200030000 | RC1200030000 | MTCE,Revival and Service Charges for Silent A/cs |
184 | 1200040000 | 120100200040000 | RC1200040000 | Fees for Window Delivery Tickets |
185 | 1200050000 | 120100200050000 | RC1200050000 | Post Boxes & Bags |
186 | 1200060100 | 120100200060100 | RC1200060100 | Rent & Taxes |
187 | 1200060200 | 120100200060200 | RC1200060200 | S C Recd Occupying Free/Rentd Qtrs Govt Buildgs |
188 | 1200060300 | 120100200060300 | RC1200060300 | Rent for occupying a portion of private buildg. |
189 | 1200060400 | 120100200060400 | RC1200060400 | Rent to electric installatn and sanitary fittings |
190 | 1200060500 | 120100200060500 | RC1200060500 | Rent to Furniture |
191 | 1200060600 | 120100200060600 | RC1200060600 | Electricity charges Recovered in Res Quarters |
192 | 1200070000 | 120100200070000 | RC1200070000 | Spl. recoveries of rent from prof letter writers |
193 | 1200080100 | 120100200080100 | RC1200080100 | Recoveries from other govt.Depts for serv rendered |
194 | 1200080200 | 120100200080200 | RC1200080200 | Recv of extra exp of tours of officers of govt. |
195 | 1200090100 | 120100200090100 | RC1200090100 | Advertisement Receipts |
196 | 1200090200 | 120100200090200 | RC1200090200 | Receipts on Account of Opening Book Stalls |
197 | 1200100000 | 120100200100000 | RC1200100000 | Regn fee for cable t.v. operators & registrants. |
198 | 1200110000 | 120100200110000 | RC1200110000 | Commn for Rly. Tickets Reservation at Srinager GPO |
199 | 1200120000 | 120100200120000 | RC1200120000 | Commission realized on A/C of Revenue Stamps |
200 | 1200140000 | 120100200140000 | RC1200140000 | REMUNERATION FOR WORKERS WAGE ACCOUNT FOR MGNREGA |
201 | 1200150000 | 120100200150000 | RC1200150000 | REFERRAL FEE FROM ICICI-PRU LIC-FROM-PENSION PROD |
202 | 1200160100 | 120100200160100 | RC1200160100 | INTERCHANGE FEE FOR INTEROPERABLE ATM TRANSACTIONS |
203 | 1200170100 | 120100200170100 | RC1200170100 | JOB REGISTRATION CHARGES |
204 | 1200170200 | 120100200170200 | RC1200170200 | UPDATION OF JOB SEEKER PROFILE |
205 | 1200170300 | 120100200170300 | RC1200170300 | PRINTOUT OF APPLICATION FORM |
206 | 1200190000 | 120100200190000 | RC1200190000 | POPSK transaction charges from MEA |
207 | 1200220100 | 120100200220100 | RC1200220100 | Other Biometric/Demography Updation |
208 | 1200220200 | 120100200220200 | RC1200220200 | Aadhar Printout Colour |
209 | 1200220300 | 120100200220300 | RC1200220300 | Aadhar Printout B/W |
210 | 1200220400 | 120100200220400 | RC1200220400 | Ded-Vendor Payment for outsourcing at POAC-Updatio |
211 | 1200230100 | 120100200230100 | RC1200230100 | New Aadhar Enrollment |
212 | 1200230200 | 120100200230200 | RC1200230200 | Mandatory Biometric Updation of Children |
213 | 1200230300 | 120100200230300 | RC1200230300 | Ded-Vendor Payment for outsourcing at POAC-Enrolme |
214 | 1200230301 | 120100200230300 | RC1200230300 | Ded-incentive to POAC Vendor |
215 | 1200230400 | 120100200230400 | RC1200230400 | Ded-Penalty paid to UIDAI for faulty transactions |
216 | 1200230401 | 120100200230400 | RC1200230400 | Penalty collected from vendor for faulty transacti |
217 | 1200240100 | 120100200240100 | RC1200240100 | Market Place Commission |
218 | 1200240200 | 120100200240200 | RC1200240200 | Fixed Closing Fee |
219 | 1200250000 | 120100200250000 | RC1200250000 | NEFT/RTGS Charges from customer |
220 | 1200250001 | 120100200250000 | RC1200250000 | NEFT/RTGS Transaction Fee Receivable from other Ba |
221 | 1200260000 | 120100200260000 | RC1200260000 | ATM Annual Maintenance Charge Account |
222 | 1200260001 | 120100200260000 | RC1200260000 | ATM Replacement Charge Account |
223 | 1200260002 | 120100200260000 | RC1200260000 | ATM RePIN Request Charge Account |
224 | 1200260003 | 120100200260000 | RC1200260000 | SMS Alert Charge Account |
225 | 1200260004 | 120100200260000 | RC1200260000 | ATM insufficient Balance Transactions Charge |
226 | 1200260005 | 120100200260000 | RC1200260000 | Onus transaction Charges Account |
227 | 1200270000 | 120100200270000 | NC1200270000 | Pickup charges Click N Book |
228 | 1200270001 | 120100200270000 | NC1200270000 | Return Pickup charges e-Commerce Customer |
229 | 1201000000 | 120100201000000 | RC1201000000 | Net Receipts from other Postal Administrations |
230 | 1201000001 | 120100201000000 | RC1201000000 | Net Receipts from other Postal Administrations |
231 | 1201000002 | 120100201000000 | RC1201000000 | Net Receipts from other Postal Adm INT Conveyance |
232 | 1202020100 | 120100202020100 | RC1202020100 | Commission received from IPPB |
233 | 1800010100 | 120100800010100 | RC1800010100 | Retail Post |
234 | 1800010101 | 120100800010100 | RC1800010100 | Retail Post-Sale Proceeds for Gangajal |
235 | 1800010102 | 120100800010100 | RC1800010100 | Sale of Indian National Flag |
236 | 1800010200 | 120100800010200 | RC1800010200 | Commn for Sale of Tickets for Road Transport Corpn |
237 | 1800010300 | 120100800010300 | RC1800010300 | Commn for sale of Tickets for Airlines |
238 | 1800010400 | 120100800010400 | RC1800010400 | Commn for sale of University forms |
239 | 1800010500 | 120100800010500 | RC1800010500 | Commn for sale of SIM & Recharge coupons |
240 | 1800010600 | 120100800010600 | RC1800010600 | Commn for sale of India Telephone Cards |
241 | 1800010700 | 120100800010700 | RC1800010700 | DOP share of Appln fees AFMC MBBS forms |
242 | 1800010800 | 120100800010800 | RC1800010800 | Sale of Surveys |
243 | 1800010900 | 120100800010900 | RC1800010900 | Fee for verification of addresses |
244 | 1800011000 | 120100800011000 | RC1800011000 | RET POST SALE OF PARL BOX/ENVELOP ON RETURN BASIS |
245 | 1800011100 | 120100800011100 | RC1800011100 | RETAILPOST-ISSUE OF POST OFFICE IDENTITY CARDS |
246 | 1800011200 | 120100800011200 | RC1800011200 | DED EXP FOR PREPARATION OF PO IDENTIY CARDS |
247 | 1800011300 | 120100800011300 | RC1800011300 | COMMISSION REALISED FROM PRINT TO POST SERVICE |
248 | 1800020000 | 120100800020000 | RC1800020000 | Commission received from IDBI principal |
249 | 1800030000 | 120100800030000 | RC1800030000 | Commission on sale of ICICI safety bounds |
250 | 1800040100 | 120100800040100 | RC1800040100 | SERVICE CHARGES-BSNL |
251 | 1800040200 | 120100800040200 | RC1800040200 | E payment commission |
252 | 1800040300 | 120100800040300 | RC1800040300 | SERVICE CHARGES- EDUCATION |
253 | 1800040400 | 120100800040400 | RC1800040400 | SERVICE CHARGES- FINANCE |
254 | 1800040500 | 120100800040500 | RC1800040500 | SERVICE CHARGES- RTO |
255 | 1800040600 | 120100800040600 | RC1800040600 | SERVICE CHARGES- TELECOM |
256 | 1800040700 | 120100800040700 | RC1800040700 | SERVICE CHARGES- ELECTRICITY |
257 | 1800040800 | 120100800040800 | RC1800040800 | SERVICE CHARGES- WATER SUPPLY |
258 | 1800040900 | 120100800040900 | RC1800040900 | SERVICE CHARGES- PROPERTY TAX |
259 | 1800041000 | 120100800041000 | RC1800041000 | SERVICE CHARGES- INCOME TAX |
260 | 1800050000 | 120100800050000 | RC1800050000 | Upfront fee of IDBI loan application form |
261 | 1800060000 | 120100800060000 | RC1800060000 | Colln charges P/t HPO for mobile telepn by GSS |
262 | 1800070000 | 120100800070000 | RC1800070000 | Commn reced from OIC on sale of non-life insurance |
263 | 1800080000 | 120100800080000 | RC1800080000 | Commn on sale of UP public service commission |
264 | 1800090000 | 120100800090000 | RC1800090000 | Commn on sale of STIC I-card appn form & hand Book |
265 | 1800100000 | 120100800100000 | RC1800100000 | Commn. on collection of bills of M/s mobi link |
266 | 1800110000 | 120100800110000 | RC1800110000 | Media Post |
267 | 1800110100 | 120100800110100 | RC1800110100 | Misc.Expen such as Printing etc on Media Post |
268 | 1800120000 | 120100800120000 | RC1800120000 | Comm-Sale Intl I-Card Appln forms & Hand Books |
269 | 1800130100 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Receipts on Account of Logistics Post (Surface) |
270 | 1800130101 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Transp. charges-FTL (Surafce) |
271 | 1800130102 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Transp. charges-LTL (Surafce) |
272 | 1800130103 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Local Transp Charges (Surafce) |
273 | 1800130104 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Warehouse charges- (Surafce) |
274 | 1800130105 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Demurrage Charges- (Surafce) |
275 | 1800130107 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Pickup charges (Surafce) |
276 | 1800130108 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | #NAME? |
277 | 1800130109 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Loading charges (Surafce) |
278 | 1800130110 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Unloading charges (Surafce) |
279 | 1800130111 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Docket service charges (Surafce) |
280 | 1800130112 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Brokerage charges (Surafce) |
281 | 1800130113 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Packing Charges (Surafce) |
282 | 1800130114 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Reverse Logi charges (Surafce) |
283 | 1800130115 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Margin - (Surafce) |
284 | 1800130116 | 120100800130100 | RC1800130100 | Logistic Post - Insurance - (Surafce) |
285 | 1800130200 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Recpts on Account of Logistics Post (Air Services) |
286 | 1800130201 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Transp. charges-FTL (Air) |
287 | 1800130202 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Transp. charges-LTL (Air) |
288 | 1800130203 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Local Transp Charges (Air) |
289 | 1800130204 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Warehouse charges - (Air) |
290 | 1800130205 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Demurrage Charges - (Air) |
291 | 1800130207 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Pickup charges (Air) |
292 | 1800130208 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | #NAME? |
293 | 1800130209 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Loading charges (Air) |
294 | 1800130210 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Unloading charges (Air) |
295 | 1800130211 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Docket service charges (Air) |
296 | 1800130212 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Brokerage charges (Air) |
297 | 1800130213 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Packing Charges (Air) |
298 | 1800130214 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Reverse Logi charges (Air) |
299 | 1800130215 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Margin - (Air) |
300 | 1800130216 | 120100800130200 | RC1800130200 | Logistic Post - Insurance- (Air) |
301 | 1800140000 | 120100800140000 | RC1800140000 | Commn Realizd on a/c of Issuance of SBI Smart Card |
302 | 1800150000 | 120100800150000 | RC1800150000 | Commn Realizd for Issuance of SBI Non Smart Card |
303 | 1800160000 | 120100800160000 | RC1800160000 | #NAME? |
304 | 1800170200 | 120100800170200 | RC1800170200 | UTI Mutual Fund |
305 | 1800170300 | 120100800170300 | RC1800170300 | Franklin Templeton |
306 | 1800170400 | 120100800170400 | RC1800170400 | Reliance Mutual Fund |
307 | 1800180100 | 120100800180100 | RC1800180100 | Examination Fee Etc. |
308 | 1800180200 | 120100800180200 | RC1800180200 | Fees for Communication of Marks to Candidates |
309 | 1800190100 | 120100800190100 | RC1800190100 | Sale of Publications & Blank form Etc. |
310 | 1800190200 | 120100800190200 | RC1800190200 | Sale Proceed of Printed Rule Books and Appli form |
311 | 1800190300 | 120100800190300 | RC1800190300 | Fees for Sale of Posts Publication on Loan to Exam |
312 | 1800190400 | 120100800190400 | RC1800190400 | Sale of Books, forms and Maps |
313 | 1800200000 | 120100800200000 | RC1800200000 | Fees From Pupils of Night Classes |
314 | 1800210000 | 120100800210000 | RC1800210000 | Under Contributory Health Scheme from Govt servant |
315 | 1800220000 | 120100800220000 | RC1800220000 | Sale Proceeds of M.O/V.P.M.OS forms |
316 | 1800230000 | 120100800230000 | RC1800230000 | Forfeited Money Orders |
317 | 1800240000 | 120100800240000 | RC1800240000 | Forfeited Indian Postal Orders |
318 | 1800250000 | 120100800250000 | RC1800250000 | forfeited Gift Coupons |
319 | 1800260000 | 120100800260000 | RC1800260000 | Contributions for Leave Salary & Pension Benefits |
320 | 1800270000 | 120100800270000 | RC1800270000 | Contribn/Recovry of Pension and Retirement Benefit |
321 | 1800280000 | 120100800280000 | RC1800280000 | Commn for Collection of Premia on behalf of LIC |
322 | 1800290000 | 120100800290000 | RC1800290000 | Commn for Accepting Applications for Units of UTI |
323 | 1800300000 | 120100800300000 | RC1800300000 | Commission for Sale Income Tax Return forms |
324 | 1800310000 | 120100800310000 | RC1800310000 | Sale Proceeds of Identity Cards Plastic Covers |
325 | 1800320000 | 120100800320000 | RC1800320000 | Recovery on a/c of Lost Damages on Insured Article |
326 | 1800330000 | 120100800330000 | RC1800330000 | Recovery on Account of Mail Robberies |
327 | 1800340000 | 120100800340000 | RC1800340000 | Proceeds from Sale of Waste Paper Dead Stock etc |
328 | 1800350000 | 120100800350000 | RC1800350000 | Spl Recovery from Pvt bodies on a/c of Experi POs |
329 | 1800360000 | 120100800360000 | RC1800360000 | Recovy from MM Contractor for Carrying Mails |
330 | 1800370100 | 120100800370100 | RC1800370100 | SALE OF SPECIAL STAMPS AND OTHER MATERIALS |
331 | 1800370200 | 120100800370200 | RC1800370200 | SALE PHIL ANCILL INCL FDC BROC PRES PACKS |
332 | 1800370300 | 120100800370300 | RC1800370300 | SALE PHIL ANCILL INCL FDC BROC PRES PACKS |
333 | 1800370400 | 120100800370400 | RC1800370400 | DED COMM OUTSOURCED AGENTS-SALE PHIL ANCILL |
334 | 1800370500 | 120100800370500 | RC1800370500 | SALE PHIL ANCI INCLFDC BROC PRE PACKS ALBUMS ETC |
335 | 1800370600 | 120100800370600 | RC1800370600 | #NAME? |
336 | 1800370700 | 120100800370700 | RC1800370700 | SALE PHILATELIC ANCILLARIES THROUGH E-POST OFFICE |
337 | 1800370800 | 120100800370800 | RC1800370800 | SALE OF PHILATELIC SOUVENIRSecial Stamps/Material |
338 | 1800380000 | 120100800380000 | RC1800380000 | Sale Proceeds of Income Tax Guide (book) |
339 | 1800390000 | 120100800390000 | RC1800390000 | Intt on Delayed Reimb of DOP Dues Recd. from WUFSI |
340 | 1800400000 | 120100800400000 | RC1800400000 | Intt Recdfor Rvolving Assistnce ON NABARD LOAN |
341 | 1800410000 | 120100800410000 | RC1800410000 | Commn for Old Age Pension Paid by the State Govt |
342 | 1800420100 | 120100800420100 | RC1800420100 | Sums Found Excess in Counters/Treasury/Letter Box |
343 | 1800420200 | 120100800420200 | RC1800420200 | Sale Proceeds of Post Office Compound Products |
344 | 1800420300 | 120100800420300 | RC1800420300 | Value of Postage Stamps and Unused Post Cards |
345 | 1800420400 | 120100800420400 | RC1800420400 | Lapsed Deposits |
346 | 1800420500 | 120100800420500 | RC1800420500 | Commn on the Sale of International Reply Coupons |
347 | 1800420600 | 120100800420600 | RC1800420600 | Excess Cr/short Charges on A/C of BPOs or IPOs |
348 | 1800420700 | 120100800420700 | RC1800420700 | Short Payment on A/C of SB/MO/CC Transaction |
349 | 1800420800 | 120100800420800 | RC1800420800 | Credit on Account of British Penny Postage Stamps |
350 | 1800420900 | 120100800420900 | RC1800420900 | Fare Paid by Passengers Travelling by Dak Boats |
351 | 1800421000 | 120100800421000 | RC1800421000 | Misc Sum Paid into PO by R.M.Services officers |
352 | 1800421100 | 120100800421100 | RC1800421100 | Chgs Supplies Stamps & Seals by office Aligarh |
353 | 1800421200 | 120100800421200 | RC1800421200 | Postal Fee Outward Parcels Liable to Customs Duty |
354 | 1800421300 | 120100800421300 | RC1800421300 | Recoveries of Penal Int Chgs O/s LTC/TA Adances |
355 | 1800421400 | 120100800421400 | RC1800421400 | Fees from Contractors |
356 | 1800421500 | 120100800421500 | RC1800421500 | Unpaid Amounts on the Closure of SB Accounts |
357 | 1800421600 | 120100800421600 | RC1800421600 | Short Pmt Value on CC to parties( no whereabout). |
358 | 1800421700 | 120100800421700 | RC1800421700 | Credits for Damage Goods by Hostile Tribes Men |
359 | 1800421800 | 120100800421800 | RC1800421800 | Rebate Dept Passages Recovered by HighCom-England |
360 | 1800421900 | 120100800421900 | RC1800421900 | Recoveries of TA for Medical Exam for PLI |
361 | 1800422000 | 120100800422000 | RC1800422000 | Cr Error to SB Depositor and Adj TE to this Head |
362 | 1800422100 | 120100800422100 | RC1800422100 | Credit of SB A/c Drawn Per Audit office not Paid |
363 | 1800422200 | 120100800422200 | RC1800422200 | Cost of Planters Dak Bags |
364 | 1800422300 | 120100800422300 | RC1800422300 | Share due to Govt for Work Done for Private Bodies |
365 | 1800422400 | 120100800422400 | RC1800422400 | Sale Proceeds of Assets (Except of Rule 52) |
366 | 1800422500 | 120100800422500 | RC1800422500 | Int on Bal of MO Settlement A/c O/s for > 6 Months |
367 | 1800422600 | 120100800422600 | RC1800422600 | Unexplained Differences in the Customs Duty |
368 | 1800422700 | 120100800422700 | RC1800422700 | Excess Credit or Short Debit on A/C of Custom Duty |
369 | 1800422800 | 120100800422800 | RC1800422800 | Recovery of Pmts of Postal Compass Gratuity Fund |
370 | 1800422900 | 120100800422900 | RC1800422900 | Recovery of cost of Serv Book on Quitting Service |
371 | 1800423000 | 120100800423000 | RC1800423000 | Fee for the Issue of a Certficate of Discharge |
372 | 1800423100 | 120100800423100 | RC1800423100 | Excess Proceeds of Depriciated Value of Assets |
373 | 1800423200 | 120100800423200 | RC1800423200 | Fee for the Appln for Regn of second Nomination |
374 | 1800423300 | 120100800423300 | RC1800423300 | Coin Operd Ticket Issuing Personal Wt Machine Post |
375 | 1800423400 | 120100800423400 | RC1800423400 | Dividends on Share Capital Recd from P&T Co-op Soc |
376 | 1800423500 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | Other Item-MISC |
377 | 1800423501 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | rounding of service Taxes-PLI |
378 | 1800423502 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | rounding of Income Taxes_PLI |
379 | 1800423503 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | rounding of payments-PLI |
380 | 1800423505 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | Cheque Return Charges Inward |
381 | 1800423506 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | Cheque Return Charges outward |
382 | 1800423507 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | NFS PENALTY INCOME |
383 | 1800423508 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | Amt Rec from IPPB as penal interest due to delayed |
384 | 1800423509 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | rounding off of GST-RPLI |
385 | 1800423510 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | rounding of Income Taxes_RPLI |
386 | 1800423511 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | rounding of payments-RPLI |
387 | 1800423512 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | Commission received on account of PayU PG |
388 | 1800423513 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | Rounding of service Taxes-RPLI |
389 | 1800423514 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | Rounding of service Taxes-PLI |
390 | 1800423515 | 120100800423500 | RC1800423500 | Penalty for not providing trained staff |
391 | 1800440000 | 120100800440000 | RC1800440000 | DEDUCT REFUNDS |
392 | 1800450000 | 120100800450000 | RC1800450000 | FEE/COMM ON JOINT INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS PRODUCT |
393 | 1800460000 | 120100800460000 | RC1800460000 | RECEIPTS FROM CPI RURAL DATA COLLECTION |
394 | 1800470100 | 120100800470100 | RC1800470100 | COMM-SALE-PUR FOREX NOTES/TRAVELLERS CHEQ-HDFC BK |
395 | 1800470200 | 120100800470200 | RC1800470200 | COMM REAL ON INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CARDS-HDFC BK |
396 | 1800470300 | 120100800470300 | RC1800470300 | COMM REAL SALE OF DD OR WIRE TRANSFERRED- HDFC |
397 | 1800480000 | 120100800480000 | RC1800480000 | COMM/UPFRONT CHARGES UNDER NEW PENSION SYSTEM |
398 | 1800490000 | 120100800490000 | RC1800490000 | PRE-PAID CARD ISSUANCE/LOST/RELOAD FEE |
399 | 1800500000 | 120100800500000 | RC1800500000 | COMMISSION REALISED ON SALE OF GOLD COINS |
400 | 1800510000 | 120100800510000 | RC1800510000 | COMMISSION ON UIDAI PROJECT |
401 | 1800520000 | 120100800520000 | RC1800520000 | INTT. ON DELAYED REMTT OF DOP DUES FROM MONEY GRAM |
402 | 1800530000 | 120100800530000 | RC1800530000 | Comm on Intl Money Transfer TranMoney Gram |
403 | 1800540100 | 120100800540100 | RC1800540100 | Sale-Recruitment Application Form and Exam Fee etc |
404 | 1800540200 | 120100800540200 | RC1800540200 | #NAME? |
405 | 1800550100 | 120100800550100 | RC1800550100 | Commission on IMT transactions of WuFSI |
406 | 1800570100 | 120100800570100 | RC1800570100 | INCOME/DOP SHARE ON A/C OF PMJJBY |
407 | 1800570200 | 120100800570200 | RC1800570200 | DEDUCT- INCENTIVE PAID TO STAFF ON A/C OF PMJJBY |
408 | 1800580100 | 120100800580100 | RC1800580100 | SHARE of DOP PRADHAN MANTRI SURAKSHA BIMA YOJNA |
409 | 1800580200 | 120100800580200 | RC1800580200 | DEDUCT - INCENTIVE PAID TO STAFF for PMSBY |
410 | 1800590100 | 120100800590100 | RC1800590100 | Handling Charge/Incentive rec from PFRDA for APY |
411 | 1800600000 | 120100800600000 | RC1800600000 | Com of DoP for Sale of Sovereign Gold Bond |
412 | 1800630000 | 120100800630000 | RC1800630000 | Revenue from CSC Service |
413 | 1800630100 | 120100800630100 | RC1800630100 | Deduct-Payment of incentives to CSC operators |
414 | 1901000000 | 120100901000000 | RC1901000000 | Deduct Net Payments to other Postal Administration |
415 | 1901000001 | 120100901000000 | RC1901000000 | Deduct Net Payments to other Postal Administration |
416 | 1901000002 | 120100901000000 | RC1901000000 | Deduct Net Payments to other Postal Adm-Int convey |
417 | 2206100000 | 206100105010413 | RC2206100000 | Revenue for POPSK from MEA |
418 | 2801600040 | 801601102000000 | NC2801600040 | Intt Inc on Net PLI Fund from Sec1 |
419 | 2801600050 | 801601102000000 | NC2801600050 | Intt Inc on Net PLI Fund from Sec2 |
420 | 2801600060 | 801601102000000 | NC2801600060 | Intt Inc on Net PLI Fund from Sec3 |
421 | 2801600070 | 801601103010000 | NC2801600070 | Intt Inc on Net PLI Fund invt thru SBI FMC Sec1 |
422 | 2801600080 | 801601103010000 | NC2801600080 | Intt Inc on Net PLI Fund invt thru SBI FMC Sec2 |
423 | 2801600090 | 801601103010000 | NC2801600090 | Intt Inc on Net PLI Fund invt thru SBI FMC Sec3 |
424 | 2801600110 | 801601103020000 | NC2801600110 | Intt Inc on Net PLI Fund invt thru UTI FMC Sec1 |
425 | 2801600120 | 801601103020000 | NC2801600120 | Intt Inc on Net PLI Fund invt thru UTI FMC Sec2 |
426 | 2801600130 | 801601103020000 | NC2801600130 | Intt Inc on Net PLI Fund invt thru UTI FMC Sec3 |
427 | 2801600160 | 801601105010000 | NC2801600160 | Div Inc PLI Funds in Equity Shares thru SBI FMC |
428 | 2801600170 | 801601105020000 | NC2801600170 | Div Inc PLI Funds in Equity Shares thru UTI FMC |
429 | 2801600180 | 801601106010100 | NC2801600180 | Profit in Equity Shares inv thru SBI FMC PLI Fund |
430 | 2801600200 | 801601106010300 | NC2801600200 | Profit in Deb inv thru SBI FMC PLI Fund |
431 | 2801600210 | 801601106010400 | NC2801600210 | Profit in Bonds inv thru SBI FMC PLI Fund |
432 | 2801600220 | 801601106010500 | NC2801600220 | Profit in instruments inv thru SBI FMC PLI Fund |
433 | 2801600230 | 801601106020100 | NC2801600230 | Profit in Equity Shares inv thru UTI FMC PLI Fund |
434 | 2801600250 | 801601106020300 | NC2801600250 | Profit in Deb inv thru UTI FMC PLI Fund |
435 | 2801600260 | 801601106020400 | NC2801600260 | Profit in Bonds inv thru UTI FMC PLI Fund |
436 | 2801600270 | 801601106020500 | NC2801600270 | Profit in instruments inv thru UTI FMC PLI Fund |
437 | 2801600440 | 801602103010000 | NC2801600440 | Intt Inc on net RPLI inv thru SBI FMC Sec1 |
438 | 2801600450 | 801602103010000 | NC2801600450 | Intt Inc on net RPLI inv thru SBI FMC Sec2 |
439 | 2801600460 | 801602103010000 | NC2801600460 | Intt Inc on net RPLI inv thru SBI FMC Sec3 |
440 | 2801600480 | 801602103020000 | NC2801600480 | Intt Inc on net RPLI inv thru UTI FMC Sec1 |
441 | 2801600490 | 801602103020000 | NC2801600490 | Intt Inc on net RPLI inv thru UTI FMC Sec2 |
442 | 2801600500 | 801602103020000 | NC2801600500 | Intt Inc on net RPLI inv thru UTI FMC Sec3 |
443 | 2801600530 | 801602105010000 | NC2801600530 | Dividend Inc on inv in Shares thru SBI FMC Ltd. |
444 | 2801600540 | 801602105020000 | NC2801600540 | Dividend Inc on inv in Shares thru UTI FMC Ltd. |
445 | 2801600550 | 801602106010100 | NC2801600550 | Profit in Equity Shares inv thru SBI FMC RPLI Fund |
446 | 2801600570 | 801602106010300 | NC2801600570 | Profit in Deb inv thru SBI FMC RPLI Fund |
447 | 2801600580 | 801602106010400 | NC2801600580 | Profit in Bonds inv thru SBI FMC RPLI Fund |
448 | 2801600590 | 801602106010500 | NC2801600590 | Profit in instruments inv thru SBI FMC RPLI Fund |
449 | 2801600600 | 801602106020100 | NC2801600600 | Profit in Equity Shares inv thru UTI FMC RPLI Fund |
450 | 2801600620 | 801602106020300 | NC2801600620 | Profit in Deb inv thru UTI FMC RPLI Fund |
451 | 2801600630 | 801602106020400 | NC2801600630 | Profit in Bonds inv thru UTI FMC RPLI Fund |
452 | 2801600640 | 801602106020500 | NC2801600640 | Profit in instruments inv thru UTI FMC RPLI Fund |
453 | 2801600770 | 801603101010000 | NC2801600770 | Fee for issue of Duplicate Policy/pass books PLI |
454 | 2801600771 | 801603101010000 | NC2801600770 | Fee for Duplicate Premium Reciept Book |
455 | 2801600780 | 801603101020000 | NC2801600780 | Conversion/Commutation Charges PLI |
456 | 2801600790 | 801603101030000 | NC2801600790 | Late Fee/Penalty/Revival Fees. PLI |
457 | 2801600791 | 801603101030000 | NC2801600790 | Cheque Dishonur Action Charges deduction |
458 | 2801600792 | 801603101030000 | NC2801600790 | Reinstatement Interest |
459 | 2801600793 | 801603101030000 | NC2801600790 | Interest on Proceeds of Death Claim ( Penalty Amou |
460 | 2801600800 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | Other Charges/Receipts. PLI |
461 | 2801600801 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | PLI Loan Processing Charges |
462 | 2801600802 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | PLI Other fees & deductibles from Customer |
463 | 2801600803 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | PLI Other Charges & Deductibles for Death Claim |
464 | 2801600804 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | PLI Stamp Duty Charges |
465 | 2801600805 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | PLI New License |
466 | 2801600806 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | PLI License Renewal |
467 | 2801600807 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | PLI Examination Fee |
468 | 2801600808 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | PLI Duplicate License/Loan Book Receipt fee |
469 | 2801600809 | 801603101040000 | NC2801600800 | PLI Claim Recovery From Reinsurer |
470 | 2801600810 | 801603102010000 | NC2801600810 | Fee for issue of Duplicate Policy/pass books RPLI |
471 | 2801600811 | 801603102010000 | NC2801600810 | Duplicate Premium Reciept Book |
472 | 2801600820 | 801603102020000 | NC2801600820 | Conversion/Commutation Charges RPLI |
473 | 2801600830 | 801603102030000 | NC2801600830 | Late Fee/Penalty/Revival Fees. RPLI |
474 | 2801600831 | 801603102030000 | NC2801600830 | Reinstatement Interest |
475 | 2801600832 | 801603102030000 | NC2801600830 | Cheque Dishonur Action Charges deduction |
476 | 2801600833 | 801603102030000 | NC2801600830 | Interest on Proceeds of Death Claim ( Penalty Amou |
477 | 2801600840 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | Other Charges/Receipts. RPLI |
478 | 2801600841 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-Other fees & deductibles from Customer |
479 | 2801600842 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-Other Charges & Deductibles for Death Claim |
480 | 2801600843 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-Stamp Duty Charges |
481 | 2801600844 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-Loan Processing Charges |
482 | 2801600845 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-New License |
483 | 2801600846 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-License Renewal |
484 | 2801600847 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-Examination Fee |
485 | 2801600848 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-Duplicate License fee |
486 | 2801600849 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-Duplicate Loan receipt book |
487 | 2801600850 | 801603102040000 | NC2801600840 | RPLI-Claim Recovery From Reinsurer |
488 | 2801601620 | 801601104000000 | NC2801601620 | Interest Income on Loans to the PLI Policy Holders |
489 | 2801601630 | 801601104000000 | NC2801601630 | Interest Income on Loan to the PLI Policy Holders. |
490 | 2801601640 | 801601104000000 | NC2801601640 | Interest Income on Loans to the PLI Policy Holders |
491 | 2801601650 | 801602102000000 | NC2801601650 | Int Inc Inv of RPLI Fund in sec frm PLI corpus |
492 | 2801601660 | 801602102000000 | NC2801601660 | Int Inc Inv. of RPLI Fund in sec frm PLI corpus |
493 | 2801601670 | 801602102000000 | NC2801601670 | Int Inc Inv of RPLI Fund in sec frm PLI corpus |
494 | 2801601680 | 801602104000000 | NC2801601680 | Interest Income on Loans to the RPLI Policy Holder |
495 | 2801601690 | 801602104000000 | NC2801601690 | Interest Income on Loans to the RPLI Policy Holder |
496 | 2801601700 | 801602104000000 | NC2801601700 | Interest Income on Loans to the RPLI Policy Holder |
497 | 2801601710 | 801601104000000 | NC2801601710 | PLI interset income to the PLI policy holders |
498 | 2801601720 | 801602104000000 | NC2801601720 | RPLI interset income to the RPLI policy holders |
499 | 3010010101 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Band Pay Postal Directorate |
500 | 3010010102 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Grade Pay Postal Directorate |
501 | 3010010103 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Dearness allowance Postal Directorate |
502 | 3010010104 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | House Rent Allowance Postal Directorate |
503 | 3010010105 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Special allowance Postal Directorate |
504 | 3010010106 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Transport Allowance Postal Directorate |
505 | 3010010107 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | PG Allow. - Postal Directorate |
506 | 3010010108 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Bonus Postal Directorate |
507 | 3010010109 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Sumptuary Allow. - Postal Directorate |
508 | 3010010110 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | LTC Reimbursement Postal Directorate |
509 | 3010010111 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | EL Encashement Postal Directorate |
510 | 3010010112 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Head Qtr Allow. - Postal Directorate |
511 | 3010010113 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Honorium Postal Directorate |
512 | 3010010114 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Fixed stationary charges2 Postal Directorate |
513 | 3010010115 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | DA on TA Postal Directorate |
514 | 3010010116 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Non-Practising allowance Postal Directorate |
515 | 3010010117 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Washing allowance Postal Directorate |
516 | 3010010118 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Subsistence Allowance Postal Directorate |
517 | 3010010119 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Family Planning Allowance Postal Directorate |
518 | 3010010120 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Child Care allowance Postal Directorate |
519 | 3010010121 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Cycle allowance Postal Directorate |
520 | 3010010122 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Cash handling allowance Postal Directorate |
521 | 3010010123 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Care Taking Allowance Postal Directorate |
522 | 3010010124 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Treasury Allowance Postal Directorate |
523 | 3010010125 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Island Special Allowance Postal Directorate |
524 | 3010010126 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Personal Pay (Hindi All) Postal Directorate |
525 | 3010010127 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Special Pay Postal Directorate |
526 | 3010010128 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Hard area allowance Postal Directorate |
527 | 3010010129 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Sunderban Allowance Postal Directorate |
528 | 3010010130 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Tribal Area Allowance Postal Directorate |
529 | 3010010131 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Special Duty Allow Postal Directorate |
530 | 3010010132 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Risk Allowance Postal Directorate |
531 | 3010010133 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Special Increment Postal Directorate |
532 | 3010010134 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Training Allowance Postal Directorate |
533 | 3010010135 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Hill Allowance Postal Directorate |
534 | 3010010136 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Bad Climate Allow Postal Directorate |
535 | 3010010137 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Annual allowance Postal Directorate |
536 | 3010010138 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Children Education Allowa Postal Directorate |
537 | 3010010139 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Professional Update Allow Postal Directorate |
538 | 3010010140 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Children Hostel Allowance Postal Directorate |
539 | 3010010141 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | EL Encash while LTC Postal Directorate |
540 | 3010010142 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Split Duty allowance Postal Directorate |
541 | 3010010143 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Boat Allowance Postal Directorate |
542 | 3010010144 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Cash Conveyance Allowance Postal Directorate |
543 | 3010010145 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Cycle Maintenance Allowance Postal Directorate |
544 | 3010010146 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Office maintenance allowance Postal Directorate |
545 | 3010010147 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Combined Duty Allowance Postal Directorate |
546 | 3010010148 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Combination Delivery Allo Postal Directorate |
547 | 3010010149 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Special Duty Allow - Postal Directorate |
548 | 3010010150 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Gratuity - Postal Directorate |
549 | 3010010151 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | LTC Advance - Postal Directorate |
550 | 3010010152 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Compnstn.(Rent free) - Postal Directorate |
551 | 3010010153 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Study Allow. - Postal Directorate |
552 | 3010010154 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Proj Allow. - Postal Directorate |
553 | 3010010155 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Personal Allow. GDS - Postal Directorate |
554 | 3010010156 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Bonus@ GDS - Postal Directorate |
555 | 3010010157 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Training allow. RAKNPA - Postal Directorate |
556 | 3010010158 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Stagnation Inc - Postal Directorate |
557 | 3010010159 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Non-Qtrd SPM Allow - Postal Directorate |
558 | 3010010160 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Other Allow. - Postal Directorate |
559 | 3010010161 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Dearness pay - Postal Directorate |
560 | 3010010170 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Time rltd conti. allow- Postal Directorate |
561 | 3010010171 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Addl HRA - Postal Directorate |
562 | 3010010172 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Deputation Allowance - Postal Directorate |
563 | 3010010173 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Spl Compensatory Allo - Postal Directorate |
564 | 3010010174 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Border Allowance - Postal Directorate |
565 | 3010010175 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Project Allowance - Postal Directorate |
566 | 3010010176 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Retainership Allowance - Postal Directorate |
567 | 3010010177 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Delivery&Conveyance Allw - Postal Directorate |
568 | 3010010178 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Travelling Allowance - Postal Directorate |
569 | 3010010185 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | SPM Allowance - Postal Directorate |
570 | 3010010186 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Speed Post Incentive - Postal Directorate |
571 | 3010010187 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Incentives - Postal Directorate |
572 | 3010010192 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Service Gratuity - Postal Directorate |
573 | 3010010193 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Severance Amount - Postal Directorate |
574 | 3010010194 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Leave Encashment (FFS) - Postal Directorate |
575 | 3010010195 | 320101001010101 | NV3010010100 | Service Discharge Benefit - Postal Directorate |
576 | 3010030300 | 320101001010103 | NV3010030300 | Overtime Allowance-Estabtt of Postal Directorate |
577 | 3010040600 | 320101001010106 | NV3010040600 | Medical Treatment-Estabtt of Postal Directorate |
578 | 3010051100 | 320101001010111 | NV3010051100 | Dom Travel Exp-Estt of Postal Directorate |
579 | 3010061200 | 320101001010112 | NV3010061200 | Foreign Travel Expenses-Estt of Postal Directorate |
580 | 3010071300 | 320101001010113 | NV3010071300 | Office Expenses-Estabtt of Postal Directorate |
581 | 3010071306 | 320101001010113 | NV3010071300 | Tel Reimursement Postal Directorate |
582 | 3010071317 | 320101001010113 | NV3010071300 | Compensation-Mail Carrier Postal Dire |
583 | 3010071380 | 320101001010113 | NV3010071300 | Office Expenses-Estabtt of Postal Directorate |
584 | 3010112000 | 320101001010120 | NV3010112000 | Oth Admin Exp-Estt of Postal Directorate |
585 | 3010132600 | 320101001010126 | NV3010132600 | Advertising & Publicity-Estt of Postal Directorate |
586 | 3010142700 | 320101001010127 | NV3010142700 | Minor Works-Estabtt of Postal Directorate |
587 | 3010152800 | 320101001010128 | NV3010152800 | Professional Services-Estt of Postal Directorate |
588 | 3010165000 | 320101001010150 | NV3010165000 | Other Charges-Estabtt of Postal Directorate |
589 | 3010340101 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Band Pay Business Development Directorate |
590 | 3010340102 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Grade Pay Business Development Directorate |
591 | 3010340103 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Dearness allowance Business Development Directorat |
592 | 3010340104 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | House Rent Allowance Business Development Director |
593 | 3010340105 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Special allowance Business Development Directorate |
594 | 3010340106 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Transport Allowance Business Development Directora |
595 | 3010340107 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | PG Allow. - Business Dev Directorate |
596 | 3010340108 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Bonus Business Development Directorate |
597 | 3010340109 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Sumptuary Allow. - Business Dev Directorate |
598 | 3010340110 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | LTC Reimbursement Business Development Directorate |
599 | 3010340111 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | EL Encashement Business Development Directorate |
600 | 3010340112 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Head Qtr Allow. - Business Dev Directorate |
601 | 3010340113 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Honorium Business Development Directorate |
602 | 3010340114 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Fixed stationary charges2 Business Dev Directorate |
603 | 3010340115 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | DA on TA Business Development Directorate |
604 | 3010340116 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Non-Practising allowance Business Development Dire |
605 | 3010340117 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Washing allowance Business Development Directorate |
606 | 3010340118 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Subsistence Allowance Business Development Directo |
607 | 3010340119 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Family Planning Allowance Business Development Dir |
608 | 3010340120 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Child Care allowance Business Development Director |
609 | 3010340121 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Cycle allowance Business Development Directorate |
610 | 3010340122 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Cash handling allowance Business Development Direc |
611 | 3010340123 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Care Taking Allowance Business Development Directo |
612 | 3010340124 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Treasury Allowance Business Development Directorat |
613 | 3010340125 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Island Special Allowance Business Development Dire |
614 | 3010340126 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Personal Pay (Hindi All) Business Development Dire |
615 | 3010340127 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Special Pay Business Development Directorate |
616 | 3010340128 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Hard area allowance Business Dev Directorate |
617 | 3010340129 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Sunderban Allowance Business Development Directora |
618 | 3010340130 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Tribal Area Allowance Business Development Direct |
619 | 3010340131 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Special Duty Allow Business Development Directora |
620 | 3010340132 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Risk Allowance Business Development Directorate |
621 | 3010340133 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Special Increment Business Development Directorate |
622 | 3010340134 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Training Allowance Business Development Directorat |
623 | 3010340135 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Hill Allowance Business Development Directorate |
624 | 3010340136 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Bad Climate Allow Business Development Directorate |
625 | 3010340137 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Annual allowance Business Development Directorate |
626 | 3010340138 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Children Education Allowa Business Development Dir |
627 | 3010340139 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Professional Update Allow Business Development Dir |
628 | 3010340140 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Children Hostel Allowance Business Development Dir |
629 | 3010340141 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | EL Encash while LTC Business Development Directora |
630 | 3010340142 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Split Duty allowance Business Development Director |
631 | 3010340143 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Boat Allowance Business Development Directorate |
632 | 3010340144 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Cash Conveyance Allowance Business Development Dir |
633 | 3010340145 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Cycle Maintenance Allowance Business Development D |
634 | 3010340146 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Office maintenance allowance Business Development |
635 | 3010340147 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Combined Duty Allowance Business Development Dire |
636 | 3010340148 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Combination Delivery Allo Business Development Dir |
637 | 3010340149 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Special Duty Allow - Business Dev Directorate |
638 | 3010340150 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Gratuity - Business Dev Directorate |
639 | 3010340151 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | LTC Advance - Business Dev Directorate |
640 | 3010340152 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Compnstn.(Rent free) - Business Dev Directorate |
641 | 3010340153 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Study Allow. - Business Dev Directorate |
642 | 3010340154 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Proj Allow. - Business Dev Directorate |
643 | 3010340155 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Personal Allow. GDS - Business Dev Directorate |
644 | 3010340156 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Bonus@ GDS - Business Dev Directorate |
645 | 3010340157 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Training allow. RAKNPA - Business Dev Directorate |
646 | 3010340158 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Stagnation Inc - Business Dev Directorate |
647 | 3010340159 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Non-Qtrd SPM Allow - Business Dev Directorate |
648 | 3010340160 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Other Allow. - Business Dev Directorate |
649 | 3010340161 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Dearness pay - Business Dev Directorate |
650 | 3010340170 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Time rltd conti. allow- Business Dev Directorate |
651 | 3010340171 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Addl HRA - Business Dev Directorate |
652 | 3010340172 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Deputation Allowance - Business Dev Directorate |
653 | 3010340173 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Spl Compensatory Allo - Business Dev Directorate |
654 | 3010340174 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Border Allowance - Business Dev Directorate |
655 | 3010340175 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Project Allowance - Business Dev Directorate |
656 | 3010340176 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Retainership Allowance - Business Dev Directorate |
657 | 3010340177 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Delivery&Conveyance Allw - Business Dev Directora |
658 | 3010340178 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Travelling Allowance - Business Dev Directorate |
659 | 3010340185 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | SPM Allowance - Business Dev Directorate |
660 | 3010340186 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Speed Post Incentive - Business Dev Directorate |
661 | 3010340187 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Incentives - Business Dev Directorate |
662 | 3010340192 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Service Gratuity - Business Dev Directorate |
663 | 3010340193 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Severance Amount - Business Dev Directorate |
664 | 3010340194 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Leave Encashment (FFS) - Business Dev Directorate |
665 | 3010340195 | 320101001020101 | NV3010340100 | Service Discharge Benefit - Business Dev Director |
666 | 3010360300 | 320101001020103 | NV3010360300 | Overtime Allowance-Estt of BDD |
667 | 3010370600 | 320101001020106 | NV3010370600 | Medical Treatment-Estt of BDD |
668 | 3010381100 | 320101001020111 | NV3010381100 | Dom Travel Exp-Estt of BDD |
669 | 3010391200 | 320101001020112 | NV3010391200 | Foreign Travel Expenses-Estt of BDD |
670 | 3010401300 | 320101001020113 | NV3010401300 | Office Expenses-Estt of BDD |
671 | 3010401306 | 320101001020113 | NV3010401300 | Tel Reimursement Buss Dev Directorate |
672 | 3010401317 | 320101001020113 | NV3010401300 | Compensation-Mail Carrier Buss Dev |
673 | 3010401380 | 320101001020113 | NV3010401300 | Office Expenses-Estt of BDD |
674 | 3010442000 | 320101001020120 | NV3010442000 | Oth Admin Exp-Estt of BDD |
675 | 3010462600 | 320101001020126 | NV3010462600 | Advertising & Publicity-Estt of BDD |
676 | 3010482800 | 320101001020128 | NV3010482800 | Professional Services-Estt of BDD |
677 | 3010495000 | 320101001020150 | NV3010495000 | Other Charges-Estt of BDD |
678 | 3010671200 | 320101001030112 | PV3010671200 | Foreign Travel Expenses-Philately Directorate |
679 | 3010682600 | 320101001030126 | PV3010682600 | Advertising & Publicity-Philately Directorate |
680 | 3011010101 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Band Pay Circle office |
681 | 3011010102 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Grade Pay Circle office |
682 | 3011010103 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Dearness allowance Circle office |
683 | 3011010104 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | House Rent Allowance Circle office |
684 | 3011010105 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Special allowance Circle office |
685 | 3011010106 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Transport Allowance Circle office |
686 | 3011010107 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | PG Allow. - Circle office |
687 | 3011010108 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Bonus Circle office |
688 | 3011010109 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Sumptuary Allow. - Circle office |
689 | 3011010110 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | LTC Reimbursement Circle office |
690 | 3011010111 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | EL Encashement Circle office |
691 | 3011010112 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Head Qtr Allow. - Circle office |
692 | 3011010113 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Honorium Circle office |
693 | 3011010114 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Fixed stationary charges 2 Circle office |
694 | 3011010115 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | DA on TA Circle office |
695 | 3011010116 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Non-Practising allowance Circle office |
696 | 3011010117 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Washing allowance Circle office |
697 | 3011010118 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Subsistence Allowance Circle office |
698 | 3011010119 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Family Planning Allowance Circle office |
699 | 3011010120 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Child Care allowance Circle office |
700 | 3011010121 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Cycle allowance Circle office |
701 | 3011010122 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Cash handling allowance Circle office |
702 | 3011010123 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Care Taking Allowance Circle office |
703 | 3011010124 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Treasury Allowance Circle office |
704 | 3011010125 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Island Special Allowance Circle office |
705 | 3011010126 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Personal Pay (Hindi All) Circle office |
706 | 3011010127 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Special Pay Circle office |
707 | 3011010128 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Hard area allowance Circle office |
708 | 3011010129 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Sunderban Allowance Circle office |
709 | 3011010130 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Tribal Area Allowance Circle office |
710 | 3011010131 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Special Duty Allow Circle office |
711 | 3011010132 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Risk Allowance Circle office |
712 | 3011010133 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Special Increment Circle office |
713 | 3011010134 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Training Allowance Circle office |
714 | 3011010135 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Hill Allowance Circle office |
715 | 3011010136 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Bad Climate Allow Circle office |
716 | 3011010137 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Annual allowance Circle office |
717 | 3011010138 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Children Education Allowa Circle office |
718 | 3011010139 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Professional Update Allow Circle office |
719 | 3011010140 | 320101101010101 | NV3011010100 | Children Hostel Allowance Circle office |
Sunday, May 19, 2024
CSI 10 to 15 digit GL Mapping list with Description
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