Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Frequently Asked Question PLI-CSI GL INTEGRATION Ver 1.0 (30/04/2024)

 McCamish GL Integration


Frequently Asked Question PLI-CSI GL INTEGRATION Ver 1.0 (30/04/2024)

1.Daily account and Day end collection are not tallying after GL Integration.

Logic of day end collection is based on collections made at particular Mccamish office code ie wherever the transaction is done..  Collections made upto 6 PM is being considered for the day.  Subsequent collections made is accounted on next day.  Hence Pl avoid making collections after 6 PM in all offices.

2. Whether Voucher Posting has to be done for PLI transactions post GL Integration?

All PLI transactions done in Mccamish(Upto 6 PM) will reflect in daily account which can be generated on next day. Manual voucher postings should not be resorted to except the ones mentioned in point 14.

3.Whether Voucher Posting are to be done for Branch office transactions?

No voucher posting is to be done for Branch Office transactions .PLI transactions done through Darpan android device will reflect in BO Daily account. Transactions done through Non RICT/Darpan  mode will reflect in Daily account of account office.

4. WhetherPLItransactions will reflect in the daily account on same day after completion of transaction.

Post GL Integration, PLI transactions will be reflected in same day’s daily account but this daily account can be generated only on next day. Eg: PLI transactions done on 01/05/2024 will reflect in daily account dt.1.5.2024which can be generated on 02/05/2024 only.

Pl use ZFSI_DOC_LOG and FB03 to get the entries received through integration file

5. Whether Counter PA should login to Mccamish only through POS after GL Integration?

Yes. CPA should login to Mccamish through POS for updation of cash correctly in POS.

6.Whether transactions done outside POS will reflect in Daily account?

Yes. All transactions in Mccamish (either through POS or direct login) will reflect in Daily account i.e., the POS cash debit entry will be posted through integration but POS counter cash balance will not increase.Due to this, POS Cash will not tally.



7. Whether Liabilities will be created for payments/disbursements from Mccamish

   Yes,liabilities will be created as OTC for Cash/Cheque & same will be consumed by CSI-SAP. All pli OTC customers are mapped to same GL 4200000005

  Pl find the detailed procedure on Liabilities.

a.      How to clear the liability document numbers generated by system.

Sl No

Liability created office

Mode of payment

Process to be followed




For cheque/EFT mode

T-code: F-58

If TDS /any other deduction is required to be made, charge off difference option (for recovery of TDS) may be used and cheque issued for net amount.

For cash mode


T Code F-04.  Liability will be created through GL


SO with Bank attached and authorised for drawing cheques for customer liabilities

For cheque/EFT mode

T-code: F-58

If TDS /any other deduction is required to be made, charge off difference option (for recovery of TDS/any other deduction)   may be used and cheque issued for net amount.

For cash mode


T Code F-04.  Liability will be created through GL


SO not attached to Bank

For cheque/EFT mode (No TDS /any other deduction)

Cheque workflow process to be used



For cases where there is no requirement of TDS /any other deduction

For cheque/EFT mode (with TDS /any other deduction)

T-code: F-58 by respective HO of the SO

As the liability will be created without deducting TDS/any other deduction amount, the respective HO to directly clear the liability of SO by using charge off difference option(for recovery of TDS/any other deduction) and issue cheque for net amount.

For cash mode

Through POS counter

T Code F-04.  Liability will be created through GL



For cash mode


(Liability will not be created in CSI from BOs)

T-code: F-02

Direct posting to be made by respective SO profit centre for effecting payment:


Document type: SK (for cash)



Posting Key

Disbursement outstanding GL: 8100000003


DOP cash GL (for cash): 4867100010






For cash payment may be made through F-04 T-code

Document type:DZ

1.click outgoing payment

2.DOP cash(50)

3.click on process open items and provide the liability document number to be cleared


The accounting entries shared below for reference:

Through GL extract following accounting entries will be shared for payment :

PLI/RPLI/Bonus etc.  ...Debit

Disbursement o/s ...Credit


Liability created for each policy by system:

Disbursement o/s...Debit



When payment processed through F-58/F-04

PLI OTC...Debit

Cash (F-04)/Bank. (F-58)..Credit

b.Special Group collection through cheque /NEFT mode increases POS cash balance.

On collection made through Spl group collection, POS cash will increase

                Manual posting may be made as below:Document type: PL     


Posting date: Spl group collection date

GL code

GL description

Posting Key


POS cash



Remittance to bank clearing  GL of respective circle




08. Reason for non reflection of PLI Transactions in daily account even after GL extract file generation in Mccamish?

PLI transactions hitting Unmapped GLs or Invalid/Incorrect facility ID or Unbalance GL extract will move to Error Report in CSI and hence no PLI transactions are reflected in daily account

10. What is the T Code to access CSI Error Report

T Code: ZPLI_ERROR.  Here you can see the Error details of GL Consolidation.

11. Which role to be provided to access T Codes  ZPLI_ERROR and ZFSI_DOC_LOG ?

YS: FA_CBS_PLI (Role for CBS PLI Integration)

(Delegation of Role in SAP has to be designated by concerned R.O/C.O).

12. What are the GL Codes used in PLI-CSI GL Integration?

Pl find the details in excel


13. Whether manual voucher posting is to be done for offices which are available in ZPLI_ERROR.

As functioning in CBS, same way error entries will be available for PLI. The entries can be edited to correct the Facility ID, GL (amount field is non-editable) within the period closure as per the guidance of Circle CPC/SPOC. Once period is closed, the same cannot be corrected from ZPLI_ERROR. If corrections could not be effected from ZPLI_ERROR, manual posting to be made in case of offices whose transactions moved to error folder. Manual voucher posting only should be done for these offices as per the instructions of circles (either at Circle/Region/Division)

For unmapped GL error if any, the same may be taken up with circle /PLI Dte, for correct GL Mapping

14. What are activities outside PLI-CSI GL integration& manual postings needs to done?


Following are the activities done outside McCamish by field units which require manual voucher posting

1.       TDSor any other deduction on maturity / surrender (Refer below screen shots)

2.       GST on default fees

3.       Manual settlement of claim

4.       Manual loan adjustment due to legacy issue

5.       Manual Premium or Installment revival amount refunds

6.       Non updation  of receipt cancellation in POS Cash

7.       Miscellaneous collection like agent renewal fee is also not updated in GL

8.       Cheque dishonour fee.it shows 100 instead of 118(including gst). Manual

9.       Incentive to Monitoring staff.(Accounting part available).

10.   Medical examiner fee

11.   Agent commission manual payment

15. Instalment revival total amount is reflected in DTR.  Only instalment amount needs to be reflected in DTR.

Manual posting needs to be done as solution to be decided yet.


16. Proposals procured before rollout and accepted after rollout. 



Accounting entries…Pkey



The proposals procured i.e., indexed before roll out, the manual entries made be field would be:



POS/DOP cash…40


Manual posting made by user before roll out


Once the proposal is approved i.e., after roll out, the system posted entries will be:



Advance deposit against proposal PLI/RPLI…40


System posting on approval after roll-out


Manual adjustment entry to be made to correct the accounting happened at Sl No. 1& 2

Advance deposit against proposal PLI/RPLI…50



Manual adjustment entry

17. EFT cases require to be manually accounted in SAP as per previous method till the rollout of  Karnataka Circle. How to do this after KA Rollout


Manual voucher posting should be stopped by all offices from the date of  Karnataka circle roll-out


18. Collection made by cheque is automatically accounted in Remitted bank- PLI/RPLI GL. How to do bank reconciliation?


The Remittance to bank-PLI/RPLI is not a recon GL and bank reconciliation cannot be made for this GL in CSI.


19.  For HRMS consumed policies, POS Cash has been debited.


At present Suspense amounts in the pay recovery code 8844600363 are transferred to respective GL on 30th or 1st of every month. This needs to be stopped since HRMS policies are consumed in McCamish on 6th of every month, As per updated chart of Account shared the CSI GL Code 8844600363 is mapped with Head of Account 844600101360000 but FCAN Code is not present in the consolidated chart of accounts. The Accounting in respect of HRMS payroll policies may be handled by the manual voucher posting as posted in the trail mail.

For HRMS Success Policies – to view – ZPY-MENU – Interfaces – FSI error – FSI Error Report – from there pl select Success  & execute and download the same

Screenshots for F-58 process with charge off difference option.

Liability created by system without TDS/any other  deduction

Making payment using F-58 T-code and charge off difference option to deduct TDS /any other  amount and for making net amount to customer




Payment document created for net amount


DTR after payment

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